Saturday, August 8, 2009

Study Nook

We have an extra bedroom that I call my office, but in reality it has always been the room-sized equivalent of a junk drawer. The desk in there was really more decorative than functional:

I loved all the drawers, but it didn't have much leg room, and so it happened that I never once, in four years, sat down and worked at this desk. Enter one trip to IKEA plus one day of assembling, polyurethaning, and cursing:

A functional desk! I actually worked at it today. I think Heidi likes it better too.

As far as how the actual diss is going, as opposed to its associated furniture, July was the month of the Dissertation Seminar. I feel like I thought a lot about Dissertation-Related Issues, but didn't make much progress on paper. Now it's August and the library has reduced hours, so I can't spend a lot of time in my study carrel. But now I have a sweet new work space at home!

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